I don't know if anyone is even following this blog, but I thought that I would give an explanation just in case. I have not been posting because my computer got a bad virus. Somehow it has gotten over that enough to let me on line, but it is still very slow. Hopefully I will get if fixed soon, and I will be able to do some big catch up posts.
Of course a lot has happened since the last post. Gerry's birthday in November, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Grandpa Paul died on Christmas, so we had a funeral the following week. With Grandpa leaving us too soon, Grandma couldn't stay in the house by herself because she has gotten dementia, so she has moved into an assisted living home. Of course she is upset, and wants to go home and be with Grandpa. It doesn't look like she will be apart from him for too long. That is sad for those of us left behind, but good for them to be where they can be whole and happy.
The kids are doing great in school, and getting so big! At the new year Ariana moved up to Senior Primary, and Anela moved from nursery to Primary, and loves being a Sunbeam! With those two moving up at the beginning of the year, and Gerry getting ready to be baptized at the end of the year, it is a big year for our family in Primary! I am now teaching the CTR 7 class (Gerry's class) this is the class of kids who are 7 at the beginning of the year, which means that they will all turn 8 and be baptized by the end of the year. That is a big deal to me to be their teacher when they are getting ready to be baptized, and there are 12 kids in the class!! I love my calling though, and hope that the kids get something out of the lessons. I'm sure that I am getting more out of being their teacher than they are!
Well, hopefully I will be able to do a better post when my computer is feeling better. It is not the only one with a virus, our whole family have been taking turns being sick constantly since November.
A little bit of 2014 is already a lot
11 years ago