Anela has been sick all week. It is nothing serious but she has been very uncomfortable and has not been able to sleep at night. Of course that means that I have not gotten more that a few hours sleep each night as well. Today she went down for a nap at about 1:00, around 3:00 I heard her get up and she was knocking on her bedroom door to be let out. When I opened the door she was sitting on the floor next to the door. I picked her up and took her into the family room and set her on the couch while I got her a drink of water. She hasn't been eating that well, but drinks a lot of water. I gave her the cup and she just set it down and leaned her head againt the couch. This picture is of her about 5 minutes AFTER she got up from her nap. I am glad that she if finally able to get some good sleep, I just wish that she would sleep at night so I could sleep too. I would love to lay down with her now while she is napping, but with Gerry and Ariana up I am afraid that I would wake up to the house burning down around me!
I know that I said I would post more pictures last week, but I have so many & I have not had a chance to go through everything. When I get them organized and onto my computer I am going to try to do at least one post every week.
A little bit of 2014 is already a lot
11 years ago
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