Anela wanted nothing to do with it when they tried to include her in the dancing.
On Sunday I put on some music for the kids so they could dance. They love to turn the music up and dance all over the place and make up new moves. I wanted to get some pictures of them dancing, so I turned up the music and let them get started. Then I pulled out the camera. As soon as it came up they were more interested in doing tricks and jumping around than actually dancing. That's OK though, I think that I got some pretty good pictures. As you will see, they did a lot of jumping. I like the pictures of them in the air, and was surprised at how high they were able to get in some of them! Anela was having a bad day and didn't want to dance so she just sat with me looking at the pictures and cheering them on while eating watermelon.
They weigh the same, but she is a little taller. And apparently a little stronger.
Gerry tried to play guitar, using Ariana as the guitar...
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